Corpses of slain Stormcloaks can be found throughout the fort exterior, as well as an alchemy lab. There is a chest and a shrine of Julianos next to the alchemy lab. Another chest can be found in the eastern tower. After you clear out the mages, Stormcloaks will retake the fort. If you follow the Imperial Civil War questline, a battle will be fought here, after which the garrison will change to Imperial. If you are not aligned with the faction controlling the fort, they will consider you to be trespassing if you enter either of the two interior zones.
However, if you are allied with the faction controlling the fort, you can get rest, food, and a horse here. As you enter from the ground level in the courtyard, a mage will be standing in the next room.
Any sound of battle with him will likely cause the other two mages from upstairs to join the fray. This can make for a very warm welcome. After the conjurers are cleared from the fort, it will once again be garrisoned by Stormcloak soldiers, which usually happens after the Battle for Whiterun is completed for the Imperial Legion, as all forts in Stormcloak-controlled Holds will then have their original residents replaced with Stormcloaks.
The courtyard features a forge , a workbench and an alchemy lab. Inside the fort proper, there is a cellar that features an arcane enchanter , the book Catalogue of Armor Enchantments , several potions , and an adept-locked chest that contains Novice Robes of Restoration.
A Shrine of Julianos is located near the alchemy lab, which may indicate that the mages are his followers. This section contains bugs related to Fort Amol Skyrim. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:. Elder Scrolls Explore. This quest is only available if the Dragonborn joined the Imperial Legion.
Online:Fort Amol Guard. The first house I built was Lakeview Manor. The Battle for Fort Amol. Not Fast Traveling to Fort Amol, but walking to the location from another combined with a reduced inventory and confirming the presence of walking Stormcloaks and interacting with them not attacking or killing until the battle after the Battle of Fort Sungard, again before talking to General Tullius, again before talking to Legate Rikke to start the 'Battle of Fort Amol' quest and then walking to Fort Amol has resolved the disappearing soldiers issue for some.
I killed a Forn Anil once, near a river that ran past a fort. Fort Amol and Eldergleam sanctuary not cleared?