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Anti-Debuff : Possible rewards from completing the Ruins of Rucyana include badges that give additional resistance to a certain status ailment.

Some pieces of equipment can give minor resistance to all ailments. If you know where to look across the overworld, you can eventually access badges that give complete immunity to one ailment. Compared to the damage bonus Grastas from the Present Garulea segment, they're not as popular. On top of that, most Inns give out Food items, which act as 'portable inns' that restore the entire party's HP and MP at any moment so long as it's out of battle, but only one can be held at any moment.

Said Food is extremely useful, as it allows you to be at full strength for an upcoming boss fight even after running through an entire dungeon. If you receive Key Cards from one-time mails but are close to the cap for either color, the game will let you temporarily exceed your maximum until the excess is spent.

You won't receive the usual 6-hourly key cards while you're still maxed out, though. The Tsubura's Gems, introduced in v1. The player earns them by completing Another Dungeon runs that require 1 red key or 2 green keys, and they come at a pace that lets a player trade for a much-coveted Chant Script every month.

This ensures that a player is not always at the mercy of the Random Number God when hunting for these items. Each Side Episode usually features two major hurdles in each chapter where the player must enter its associated Another Dungeon to farm enough points to proceed. Fortunately, the point hurdle here is much lower than expected and the player can quickly overcome this barrier with just a few more battles in the Former KMS HQ.

First, you can now rescind individual Grastas and do so for free, allowing some capacity for experimentation with setups. At the same time, the fragment yield from Garulea's Another Dungeon chests was increased 5-fold to reduce the need to grind for fragments to upgrade Grastas. Unlike other story characters' 5-star Psalms those aren't available outside Another Dungeons and the Nopaew Emporium, Feinne's upgrade Psalms are given for free as treasure chest items after certain point of the story to compensate her Late Character Syndrome , allowing her to quickly catch up with the rest of the party.

Anti Poop-Socking : Another Dungeon access is restricted by keycards, of which you get one of each color every six hours. Each map in Another Dungeons only spawns five random encounters before shutting them off, discouraging a player from loitering to grind. Arbitrary Headcount Limit : The player can only have six characters from a rather large list of playable characters, and only four of those people can be on the front line at any given time.

Archaic Weapon for an Advanced Age : Most characters use one of eight different weapon types note Staves, Swords, Katana, Axes, Spears, Bows, Gloves, and Hammers , which are appropriate to the medieval-styled Present Era, even the characters from the far future. Foran even notes in her recruitment dialogue that spears are archaic in an era with ray guns.

Joker completely averts this with his personal weapon, which is his Tokachev pistol. Asteroids Monster : One of the Bonus Bosses has a deceptively small health bar and simple attack pattern. Deplete its health, and it splits into two, and these smaller ones can split even further, capping at 4 bodies all with the same strength as the base form.

The fight quickly turns into figuring out how not to be overwhelmed. Awful Truth : The whole point of Gewuerz Church's Tower Defender is to guard one regarding the church's history and teachings, something that not even the Supreme Cardinal knows. Among many things, the "god" they believe in doesn't actually exist, and the "blessings" actually came from copies of parts of the Four Great Elementals of Migleina created using the power of the crystal spirit.

There were actually thirteen Winged Beings instead of twelve, and they actually came from "paradise" to deceive and kidnap humans to be used as war tools in their own battle. One of them, Judith, eventually betrayed the rest after she fell in love with human and sided with humanity.

With her help, the church brainwashed and sealed the other twelve in the depths of Giant's Claw and rebranded them as "Those Bearing Wings", but it came at the cost of Judith and her human lover. With no one else left to sing the Stifling Song to calm the crystal spirit producing the blessings, the bishop at that time had to resort to forcibly using the crystal spirit power under their capture and became the first Tower Defender, while the priests under him continue the teachings of the church in order to keep up people's faith.

By the time Clarte and co arrives, the crystal spirit is already on the verge of dying, hence the depleting blessings and Johann's plan to use Clarte as new vessel until his defeat. Bad Future : Given the time travel themes of the game, there are plenty of alternate timelines which various individuals try to prevent. Aldo spends a lot of his time in the Antiquity to prevent one from happening, where Elzion was destroyed due to King Palsifal's messing with the timeline.

The family of Ciel and Shannon comes from one in another dimension, where Individuality Is Illegal is enforced to the extreme and anything artful or amusing is illegal.

The Lost Boy at the beginning of the Time-Space Cat sidequest chain is a shapeshifting Varuo who regrets his marriage with one of the cats in Baruoki and tries to avert it. He then gets pursued by people from his timeline who are trying to prevent a future that, in their words, has gone "completely kittens" from his rash decisions.

Bag of Sharing : An NPC variant — Each shop you visit stocks the exact same weapons and has the same reserve of monster drops you've sold to them. Apparently their shared inventory can be accessed across multiple time periods Balance Buff : v1. The changes are as follows: Various characters' skills got their numbers improved or gained additional effects, bringing them to par with new and upcoming characters.

The fishing cooler box's capacity and Kamasu point bonuses have been drastically increased. Fish caught at the Last Island now give an appropriate amount of fishing experience. Various side episode characters have had their bonuses increased to speed up point collection. Each episode's Required Party Member now gives one of the biggest individual bonuses.

The Experience Booster threshold has been raised from half your highest level in the roster to three-quarters. The release of Part III: Conclusion of the Goddess of Time arc not only gives Feinne's 5-star upgrade but also reworks several skills of the the initial main cast to bring their power levels in line with the power standard of the newer 5-star units. Barrier Change Boss : The Primal Darkness alternates between absorbing all physical and absorbing all magic attacks.

If ignored, it also bestows this attribute to the Final Boss. Cradle Omega starts off immune to all physical attacks and weak to all magic attacks. At different HP thresholds, it switches its affinities, becoming weak to one physical attack type and immune to all other damage types. The Sacred Beast starts with a Wind Zone and rotates between the elemental Zones, affecting the weakness of its Horn and altering the damage done by your units' elemental attacks. Beauty Equals Goodness : Done in a very apparent way with the non-humans recruitable roster; for example, the more ugly or non-human looking Beastmen are relegated to being mooks and enemies to kill in dungeons, while recruitable Beastmen such as Dunarith, Myrus and Zeviro are much more human-looking and attractive.

Big Bad : The Phantom is one for Arc 1 and Arc 2, a powerful inter-dimensional being that wants to destroy the universe. Arc 2 reveals that there's a whole race of them seeking the same thing, lead by a red Phantom.

Zennon Ogre takes this role in Arc 1. Big "WHAT?! Bonus Boss : Several of these are scattered across the game, and fortunately they are visible on the overworld or prefaced with a boss warning prompt so you can't accidentally walk into them prematurely.

The game recognizes some of them as Horrors and your reward for beating them is free Chrono Stones through achievements. Trekking back to the depths of the Moonlight Forest when you get your very first opportunity to revisit it at around level 25 throws you into a boss fight with the level 65 Goblin King and several level 55 Goblin minions. The Red Dawn is visible in the distance in the Zol Plains, and it's level 70 while the surrounding mobs and your party, on your first visit are about level Red exclamation markers indicate recruitment sidequests for several characters like Azami, Cerrine and Gariyu.

You'll need to complete several fights each one scaled for endgame to postgame parties before you can finally recruit them. After finishing Another Dungeon runs, the Nameless Girl becomes available as a level 90 boss. The ultimate prize for investing time and effort into the Fishing Minigame is the ability to drag these up to fight. Their unique drops are ingredients for high-end weaponry.

Four of them also drop key items that are crucial to triggering the final fight with Leviathan, whose defeat adds a guaranteed 5-star character to your roster. Finish all of the Mayor's tutorials and he offers to spar with you while he's at his full power. He's not to be taken lightly. He'll take 30 minutes to present the relevant key item to initiate the fight, and its defeat yields a very strong Dark Spirit weapon. After acquiring the Jyomondo Key and speaking to the Dogu Master in Gadaro, you get to speak to certain dogu guarding doors scattered across the Antiquity Garulea Continent.

Solve their riddles, and they open to lead you to a coffin containing a powerful enemy, and their defeat yields one of Miaki's weapons. Completing both Persona 5 crossover events unlocks the Twins, Caroline and Justine, as incredibly difficult opponents when you revisit Lucniva. They yield different rewards for surviving to different phases of their fight, including special Grastas and gear for the Phantom Thieves.

After unlocking the 5-star classes for each of the Tales units, you unlock the True Spirit Trials that yield each characters' True Valor Chant Grastas. These bosses are almost as difficult as the Twins, sporting HP stoppers to keep you from bursting them down, and repeatedly altering Zones to tip the tide of battle when you least expect it.

Each turn, it sets up a barrier that reacts to a specific element , and hitting it with that element triggers a retaliation that hits the attacker for 9,, damage. All the while, it attacks randomly, having enough stats to level the party even while debuffed, and when it hits low health it gets to attack twice per turn.

In the beginning of the battle, it will take on Aldo's form, then to Thillelille and Prai in the second phase, and finally into Melina, Rosetta, and Mistrare in the final phase. The player needs to defeat the Aldo, Thillelille, and Melina copies respectively. The Future era has a set of eerie geometric-looking Bonus Bosses which are actually artificial spirits made by the People of Paradise and dumped to the player's home planet due to flaw in their cores - Imbrium Basin in Last Island, Insula Ventorum in Macminal Museum's restricted area, and Terra Nivium in the basement of Sky Fortress Eeza.

Like the Unseen, all of them have random attack patterns those make their movements difficult to anticipate All of them not only retain the random attack patterns, but also have ability to overwrite Zones when the player least expect it. In Nazrik, collect all ten pieces of Dirty Puzzle Pieces for a collector NPC in the outskirts of the city, and they will give access to manhole leading to an area where the player can re-challenge massively powered-up versions of the Dark Spirits and the dogu-guarded bosses from previous chapters.

They possess huge HP reserves and their teamwork can make for a very challenging fight, but overcoming them nets the Void Weapons, which grant their wielders guaranteed Critical Hits. Bonus Dungeon : Another Dungeons involve the player traversing difficult versions of levels they've already cleared, with souped-up enemies and bosses and unique rewards and drops that are collected on completion.

Their Very Hard difficulty tier unlocks after completing the first arc Chapter 25 , presenting even stronger enemies and greater rewards. Bonus Stage : The Phantom Crystal Dimension serves as one to any Another Dungeon run, being an enemy-free zone with a chance to obtain great rewards. White Keys cannot be stocked, so the player is encouraged to use them immediately after finishing a run. Boring, but Practical : Some early skills hit a single target multiple times and for cheap.

They easily become useful in midgame boss fights as they build the Another Force gauge at an increased rate. Boss Bonanza : Chronos Umbra, the final dungeon of the first act, has six miniboss fights against the primal elements. Defeating them weakens the main boss, since he'll use the gimmick of each primal element still standing during his own fight.

The Dark Lord's Tomb, the final dungeon of the second act, puts you through two sub-dungeons, each with their own boss fight at the end, before the final sub-dungeon unlocks and puts you in a fight with three bosses in succession with no ability to heal in between : Phantom Eden, the Dark Lord, and Chaos itself.

However, the main story is completely beatable using the characters the story gives you albeit with a fair bit of grinding , and that content is scaled more towards 4-star characters rather than the rare 5-star ones. You also get Chronos Stones from daily login bonuses and completing quests, so you're bound to be able to afford a few encounters without spending a cent on the game. Likewise, several 5-star characters can be obtained by doing certain quests or beating certain bosses, meaning players who don't spend a dime period won't be locked out.

Every now and then a one-time "Fateful Encounter" banner appears which can only be accessed using purchased Chronos Stones. The player gets a guaranteed 5-star character from it. Significant milestones like anniversaries or major story content updates are celebrated with the paid-only "Star Dream Encounter" banner, which gives the player an exclusive Star Piece that allows them to receive a 5-star character of their choice.

Starting from version 2. The significance is never brought up again until an optional event unlocked after Chapter 6 of "Song of Sword and Wings of Lost Paradise", where Aldo tries to recall her teaching about prisma to use the energy of a blessing to fix the statue in Gewuerz Church that Clarte crashed into early in the Mythos. First comes the Very Hard versions of the storyline Another Dungeons. The level recommendation for the earliest Very Hard dungeon unlocked this way is 58, when the player is likely to just have finished the final battle with a level team, and the level cap for 4-star characters is just The next step up is the Otherlands regions.

They operate by the same Another Dungeon rules, but each level also features multiple boss fights that require you to bring your best if you want to clear them in one go. And you're definitely tempted to do so, because entering the Otherlands levels consumes two green keys. It costs two green keys to enter, has a recommended level of 80, and its rewards include powerful Grasta and the materials to upgrade them. Since you need to complete several other side episodes to get this far, on top of having to fight through fairly difficult story bosses, you are expected to have a well-optimized roster before you can even think about attempting this Another Dungeon.

Completing Chapter 84 gives the player access to the Underworld Another Dungeon, which has similar structure to Future Garulea Another Dungeon and takes it Up to Eleven with the increased encounter rate compared to previous Another Dungeons. Its regular enemies are also level 90 at minimum, so your team is expected to be maxed out to fare well. Much later in the penultimate chapter, when the party gets to visit where the People of Paradise lived on the moon surface, the place was full of Noah-like creatures, and all of the relevant archives refer to them as "rabbits" despite bearing no resemblance to actual rabbits for whatever reason.

Can't Catch Up : Low-ranked characters, including story characters without promotions, will eventually run out of Ability Board spaces to invest their Ability Points in, and will get overshadowed by higher-ranked ones who don't need to wait to be promoted.

Cast Herd : With Loads and Loads of Characters , it is inevitable that several of the characters will be grouped based on their affiliation - sometimes to the point of having its own personality trait for Combination Attack. Chekhov's Gun : There is a locked house in Baruoki that you can't access. The keys that open it are finally made available in the "Heroes of Bygone Days and the Engraved Rewards" episode, which was added over 3 years after the game's launch.

According to May, it used to belong to her grandmother's acquaintance and she was trusted with the key - specifically, it was Victor's, as his Another Style quest reveals. A few optional characters also have this status. Melina, for example, is the chosen one of her religion, who is believed to be the one to greet their savior Collection Sidequest : Each part of IDA school introduces one where you collect items hidden on the overworld, which reward a lvl 1 Joke Weapon for completion.

Color-Coded for Your Convenience : Horrors are marked one of three colors on the minimap; red means that it will be very hard to take down with your current party, yellow means that it will be a challenge, but possible, to defeat, and blue means that it poses minimal threat. Chests have different colors to indicate their contents - Brown chests contain regular items, Red chests contain rarer items, while Blue chests contain quest-related items. Combination Attack : If there are two or more characters that share a trait on the frontline when using a fully charged Another Force, they'll finish with a special combo attack.

The first one you're most likely to see is the X-Strike , performed by Aldo and Cyrus. Com Mons : There are three sets of heroes masked girls, armored knights, and robots that pad out the 3-star encounter pool. They aren't voiced, can't be promoted, and have no unique sidequests, so unless you're hurting for a particular role, just about any other unique character is a better choice. Combat Exclusive Healing : You cannot use healing spells outside of battle. You can replenish your party's HP and MP with food, but you can only carry one food item around at a time.

Continuing is Painful : Downplayed. There usually is little reason to use this function, but its full weight lands in the postgame, where it can secure the spoils of an Another Dungeon run, and when 50 Chronos Stones can set one's Stone collection back by a day or two.

Convection Schmonvection : Traversing the Nadara Volcano doesn't affect the party unless they step on any active fire traps. Averted in a few boss fights — The Primal Flame passively damages the party every turn.

The Spirit of Salamander can set the field ablaze, damaging the party every turn unless they are protected by Undine's Tear. Cool, but Inefficient : Otherlands Hard difficulty monster drops are used to craft level 52 upgradeable armor. However, the upgrade effects are rather miniscule and only apply to wielders of certain weapons, making them no different from stock level 52 armor on anyone with the wrong weapon choice.

Higher upgrade tiers eventually require so many copies of boss drops that they quickly become not worth the effort. Not helping matters is that the Tower of Stars Hard difficulty yields drops that makes equally powerful level 52 armor and superior level 60 armor while requiring fewer key cards to enter.

Crapsaccharine World : The seemingly vibrant world of the game hides multiple dark aspects those the player will only learn as they go through the story and the character quests. To name a few: Humanity in the Present and Future era are frequently in danger of losing end of the war - against beastfolk in the present and Synth Humans in the future. When the tables are turned in the parallel time layer of "First Knight and the Holy Sword", Commander Anabel mercilessly orders a massacre on an entire village of beastfolk.

Going through several character quests reveals that while the city of Future era particularly Elzion may seem nice and clean, social injustices are rather rampant. For example, Hardy's quest reveals the hardships of those who live in the slums, as the authority doesn't give a care for those without citizen ID and thus it makes no difference to them if anything bad happens to the residents of the slums.

One hall is filled with paintings of Faceless Eyes , which follow the player, and Amy runs into another painting that's facing backwards before flipping to normal. Crossover : Two of them so far. One with Persona 5 was added in December , with an expansion added in November It's available for both the Japanese and Global versions, and is a free crossover with no time limit. The crossover features the Phantom Thieves as recruitable units and new dungeons in the style of that game's Palaces.

Another one with Tales Series was released simultaneously for both Japanese and Global versions in December 17, , featuring Cress , Yuri , Milla , and Velvet as playable characters. Some of the unique mechanics from the original series are also included in the crossover such as fully-voiced skits, cooking, and Mystic Artes. Cruel to Be Kind : A sidequest in Ratle tasks you to find out why a kid keeps on visiting the Zol Plains and encourage him to go home.

He was actually taking care of a tiny dragon in secret, but with Aldo's help, he realizes that it's better for the dragon to be reunited with its family. As a last resort, the kid had to discourage the dragon by renouncing their friendship. Curse : Multiple instances.

On individual level, several characters have various forms of curse inflicted upon them, with the trait "Cursed" is listed in their personality description. The most notable one is Cyrus, who had been turned into a frog. There are also species-level example such as the curse inflicted upon Winged People that prevents them to leave Giant's Claw, and the curse on the Titans' bloodline that will degenerate them over time and turn them into ogres. Cute Kitten : Everywhere in the game, and the cats are generally treated as adorable beings in the game when not causing mischief.

There's an entire catalogue and the supporting achievements dedicated for cats, and the Phantom Crystal Dimension is basically an entire world of cats. Dark Is Not Evil : Zigzagged. This is even more jarring with some characters like Prai, a priest who is so honest and sincere that he has nothing to hide.

Story-wise, some people like Nopaew Clan members have with inherent darkness within them, but other than their unusual culture, none of them come across as actively malicious.

Presumably, this is why the Nopaew Clan has taboo of naming their members, as the darkness can be so strong to corrupt the name giver if the taboo is broken. A Day in the Limelight : Most party members have a sidequest chain that features them, which might reveal a bit more about them and their backstory.

Other Tales are all about this to characters. Death Is a Slap on the Wrist : Dying and choosing not to purchase a continue which uses valuable Chronos Stones respawns the player in the nearest town. If the player dies in Another Dungeon, they'll also lose all the crafting ingredients they picked up, but otherwise there is no other consequence.

Fortunately, a spacetime portal opens, and saves Aldo by dragging him in. Developers' Foresight : Feinne comes to wake Aldo up in the beginning of the game, telling him to not fall asleep again. Interacting with the bed gives the option to go right back to sleep; if you choose that option, Feinne will come up to wake Aldo again.

If the player keeps doing this, Feinne gets increasingly annoyed until she tells Aldo he won't be having breakfast. Aldo ends up in Man-Eating Swamp with no way to escape, unless the player loses a fight, which respawns the player in the nearest town. Since Aldo has no narrative reason to want to return to the swamp, Riica will lose an important battery in the swamp to give Aldo a reason to return and meet Cyrus.

Unarmed characters, if engaged in combat, will brandish a "default" weapon fitting with their battle style. The game has slight variations in quest dialogue to account for various conditions. This includes the player having a character in their roster when a they get involved in the quest Aldo would recognize that character instead of needing to be introduced to them , or if certain plot points are already known to the player.

If the party is defeated at any point before Aldo gets his face back, there is a short scene where Amy attempts to draw a face on Aldo before Riica suggests just digitally recreating it. Difficult, but Awesome : Guildna's personal weapon and armor feature a damage bonus if any party members are defeated.

It's very inconvenient to set up, but it can deliver damage capable of one-shotting Bonus Bosses if pulled off. Disc-One Nuke : Your first free 4-star character is likely going to outshine your 3-star story-given characters. There will come a time, though, where you simply cannot last on mandatory party members and will have to either try your luck with the gacha or make up for an understaffed party.

Completion of Chapter 13 gives you access to the Persona 5 collab event, where you get Joker and Morgana added to your roster, and they're strong enough to greatly ease progression through the story. The fact that they are free 5-stars for little effort really helps. Disappears into Light : By the end of Chapter 4, Elzion and its inhabitants including Amy , fade into light as a result of the future being changed. This is the fate of the real Eden and Aldo after Aldo turns back into Kyros the cat and merges with him to save Eden.

Presumably not happy with how it turns out, though, Aldo gets better and returns in the final scene through a wormhole. The first two parts involve the cast investigating one from Saki and Mayu respectively, after their consumption of a dark apple.

The Snake Dream is both this and Another Dimension , which can be visited starting from Chapter 32 of the main quest. Dressing as the Enemy : Aldo tries doing this in Elga's second quest, but it backfires spectacularly because the enemies' cowls were enchanted to brainwash whoever wears them. Both bosses have a different moveset, regularly use a Switch-Out Move , possess plenty of HP to 1 attacks, can summon mobs and can use Another Force.

They're less threatening than the two above, but can use Another Force as well. Certain manifest fights will pit you against an additional, equally strong enemy to complicate the fight. You only need to defeat the main body to win, though. If you've bested the eight Bonus Bosses of Present Garulea and Antiquity Garulea, you can access rematches with them in the Underworld. You'll be fighting one of the Present spirits with one of the Antiquity spirits, and although their behaviour hasn't changed much they've received a mountain of stats, and having to deal with two boss attack patterns at once can prove very troublesome.

Dual-World Gameplay : The Ocean Palace episode involves you traveling to and from the Dragon Palace in two time periods with the help of many warps. You will end up altering small things in the past to influence the future terrain — for instance, repairing a small crack in a walkway to prevent its future collapse. Dump Stat : Luck only slightly affects the character's critical hit rate. Only physical attacks can land critical hits, so the stat is useless for mages unless they have an ability to let their spells crit.

This also means Luck-increasing badges are the least valuable. Early-Bird Cameo : Many characters recruited through Dreams have a spot on the world map where they sit around when not in the party. The player can talk to them before they're recruited into the team. Certain character quests feature cameos by other characters that eventually become recruitable. Easing into the Adventure : The game starts with Aldo running around town doing simple errands and fighting basic monsters, before the beast men attack and capture his sister.

Easter Egg : In Toto Dreamland and Garulea, there are spots where your current party can do things like pose behind cutouts i. If you have Foran at the end, she'll snap a photo. When the cast first arrives in Garulea, they are given fluffy covers to use whenever they're indoors in the region.

Any characters who are native to Garulea don't use these covers and just remove their footwear. Starting from Tales from the East, there are various spots in the habitable areas of the world where the frontline party can sit on.

These areas are not marked, but can be usually recognized from its size i. Effortless Achievement : There are tons of things that will gain you Chronos Stones: for instance, you get 5 every time you fight an enemy for the first time. The game hands you at least 50 Chronos Stones for progressing the story to the next chapter.

Sometimes to proceed you only need to travel from point A to point B with a possible cutscene in between. Eldritch Location : The Underworld introduced in the final part of "Return of the Goddess of Time" is this, being a realm where the dark god is supposedly sealed. While the citizens of Nazrik may not seem malicious apart from their frequently creepy conversations, the location itself is not only full of bizarre and dangerous creatures those are apparently remnants of the chaos, but also rife with darkness strong enough to corrupt outside beings those who are unfortunate enough to be thrown there such as Queen Himika, Lord Genshin, and Queen Garneli.

Shade and Thunder are weak to each other but resist Crystal, and Crystal is weak to itself but resists everything else. Hitting weaknesses will contribute a great boost to the Limit Break meter and significantly extend the Another Force duration. Most elementally-aligned enemies will resist their own elements, but not the element they have an offensive advantage on.

Elite Mook : Referred to as Horrors in this game. They're powerful versions of regular enemies, can be seen on the map, and are usually a higher level than what you're expected to be on your first visit to an area.

Defeating them usually gets you materials that can be used to make powerful weapons and armor. Some of them even serve as a Beef Gate , guarding chests that hold equipment that befits the level the player's expected to defeat them. Elite Tweak : Guiding Light and Luring Shadow are accumulated either through getting duplicates of a character from Dream Encounters or increased from certain Another Dungeon runs for story characters.

Through most of the game their influence is rather minimal, but they can have a significant influence in the postgame — especially at thresholds where they unlock an additional skill slot, badge slot, and Grasta slot.

Your point totals also affect the number of additional rewards you'd receive from an Another Dungeon run, giving incentive to accumulate them. The Grastas, introduced in v2. These Grastas, once fully upgraded, not only give a stat boost, but also bestow passive effects that are otherwise hard to come by, like element-specific damage boost or increased regeneration. Once you've reached the level cap this is essentially how you're expected to further improve your characters.

Equipment Upgrade : The main draw of the Otherlands areas is that the materials obtained there are used to craft and upgrade special equipment. The requirements include multiple drops obtained from bosses and elusive shiny mobs.

Additional chapters to the story, starting from update 1. Though they may not be as strong as those found from Otherlands runs, obtaining their required ingredients is a lot less tedious and involves fighting less difficult enemies. Chapter 70 introduces the ability to further upgrade your Grasta. Expending Dormant Ores will unlock additional Grasta abilities based on what Grasta you're using.

You can also find specialized Ores to give specific abilities to your Grastas. Evil Tower of Ominousness : The Tower of Time, a biomechanical tower filled with bizarre machine enemies, acts as the first major dungeon in the game, and the dungeon that has to be completed prior to unlocking the Spacetime Rift.

Lampshaded during "The Celestial Tower and the Shadow Witch" when Ilulu insists that "you always find the final villain at the top of some ridiculously tall structure," and several characters are briefly bothered by this. Experience Booster : Characters obtained from the Gallery of Dreams will always be level 1. You can use Scrolls to level them up, but if you put them in battle they will gain bonus experience until they are three-quarters the level of your strongest character, after which they will level normally.

Another Style versions of characters in your roster must be trained up from level 1. However, they enjoy an additional experience bonus that makes it easier to bring them up to speed with your current party. Far East : The Garulea Continent, the main setting of Part 2, is also the home of several characters with the "Eastern" property.

What separates them from being a classic Wutai is, in addition to Mikos and samurais, the presence of at least one Chinese-inspired character Lingli. Fate Worse than Death : In Dunarith's third character quest, he reveals this is what happened to people unfortunate enough to have their soul sucked by a certain monster in Snake Dream, resulting the soul to turn into evil spirit starting with his own sister's soul.

Dunarith: Their soul experiences a never-ending torture as it is nibbled away. Once it has enjoyed the taste long enough, it spits the soul up like gum! It's a huge disgrace to the victim's fate, to divine providence, and to all other beings! If the flashing red Horror icon on the minimap doesn't communicate this trope enough, the fact that she's a level Bonus Boss will.

Lazy Backup : The player loses the fight if everyone on the frontline is defeated, even if the backup characters are at full health. Leaked Experience : Characters in your party get bonus experience if they are half or lower the level of the highest-leveled character in your party. While the former is a rather epic and dramatic score fitting with the gravity of the situation the heroes face, the latter two engage in Soundtrack Dissonance with their quiet compositions.

But even as it resists, the music box will still keep on playing during the fight until you defeat the golem. And have stats and enchantments rivaling the Cruel Angel Set. Tales from the East Part III introduces the Ocean set weapons those look more like fish-shaped decorative weapons rather than actual weapons. They also have stats on par with the Dark Spirit and Miaki's weapons sets.

Let's Split Up, Gang! Again, Aldo and Amy are required for each division. Aldo leaves out the bit where she's kidnapped. Level-Locked Loot : Weapons and armor can only be used by characters that have reached the same level. Limit Break : You eventually unlock Another Force for use. When activated, Time Stands Still and your party is able to use any skills for free as long as you have meter, culminating in a special Finishing Move if two or more characters share a personality trait.

For instance, Aldo and Dierdre both use Swords and therefore team up for an attack; likewise, both Aldo and Cyrus have the "Guiding Light" trait and have a team-up ability. If none of them are around, Aldo delivers a solo move, the only character to do so. Limited Move Arsenal : You can only assign up to three skills on a character at any one time, with one additional slot unlocked if the character manages to accumulate 80 light or shadow points.

While it may be a no-brainer for damage-oriented characters who only need to know how to hit one or multiple enemies, characters with a wide variety of support skills will need frequent skill adjustments for the situation. Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards : Inverted when late-game optimization is concerned. Your physical damage dealers are capable of performing Critical Hits , which lets them benefit off critical-enabling and critical-boosting buffs.

Mages don't benefit the same way, requiring an entirely different type of buff before they can even crit. While they can put out more raw damage to compensate, the increasing availability of crit buffs means physical DPS will outstrip mages for most part. Loads and Loads of Characters : While the main story characters are manageable, the cast of playable characters is quite large due to all the different characters gotten through the dream system.

Including Com Mons , you can have over characters in a roster. Loads and Loads of Sidequests : There are a ton of quests to do in this game after you've completed an early story chapter, but they are gradually revealed as you progress through the main story. Even then, a lot of the Character Quests only pop up once you gain access to the Spacetime Rift. Loony Fan : The In-Universe performance group Paradoxical Dreamers has a huge fanbase in Eeza, to the point that there's a portion of the fanbase that regards themselves as " true fans ", treats their devotion as Serious Business , without any awareness about how much of a public nuisance they're being.

It takes a literal Almighty Janitor — a janitor with a reputation of being one of the group's legendary first fans — to talk some sense into them. Loot Boxes : The main way to unlock new characters for the game. It is possible , but extremely hard, to go through the main story without spending any in-game currency. You can get about four to five batches of ten straight gachas worth of currency to test your luck throughout the main story.

Read entirely, this is normally expression for "long time no see", but the name also contains the word "buri", which is the word of Japanese amberjack and a species for yellowtail. Naturally, due to the nature of the puns, the linguistic joke is lost in the English script and only the visual joke remains. Lotus-Eater Machine : The IDA episodes focuses on rescuing people who've eaten dark apples, which traps them in Dream Worlds that fulfills their desires.

Their real selves are hidden away, while a Heart Guardian keeps them trapped in the dream. Lunarians : In the Western Mythos, the People of Paradise turned out to be this, as they were residing in the city on the moon surface. Magikarp Power : The stronger versions of each character's main skill is unlocked by completing their personal sidequests, some of which require a degree of story completion before they can be accessed.

Characters like Kikyo or Myrus's Another Style have their final quest unlocked after completing Chapter 60 — depending on how early you acquired them, it can be a long while before you can access their full potential. The Uquaji introduced in patch 1. Fighting it is initially simple and a quick way to earn some Chronos Stones, but it comes back stronger every time it's beaten.

Eventually it can go well above the game's usual level cap of 80, going as high as level To get there, though, you'll have to hunt many monsters, some only exclusive to certain Another Dungeon environments, and eventually need to defeat some bosses in the Very Hard Otherlands regions. Manifest Weapons, when initially obtained, have only middling stats and a slight bonus to one specific skill for a specific character. After a good amount of Level Grinding , the stats and skill augments improve, and it reaches its full potential after a very difficult boss fight at the end.

In order to unlock his full potential, the player needs to play up until a plot-relevant event in the middle of Chapter 83 and take time to grind his Guiding Light stat, since the power of his 5-star skills becomes directly influenced by said stat after the aforementioned event.

Mass Monster Slaughter Sidequest : Through the Records menu, you are rewarded Chronos Stones for killing a lot of the same enemy type, capping at of a single enemy slain. Matchmaker Quest : One sidequest has Aldo deliver a love letter, and then having to convince the writer to be more true to herself instead of creating a persona her crush isn't even interested in. Another quest involves Aldo trying to get an artist and the girl he drew pictures of together out of frustration from how willing they were to sit there pining after each other instead of just talking to each other.


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