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Flap or trill. Hindus sometimes use the Devanagari script to write Punjabi. Within the Indian state of Punjab, Sikhs tend to use the Gurmukhi script. Like Devanagari, Gurmukhi is a script in which each consonant has an inherent [a] vowel which can be modified by vowel symbols that can be attached to the consonant.
Gurmukhi has 53 symbols. Punjab is a region straddling the border between India and Pakistan. Punjab has a long history and rich cultural heritage. The people of the Punjab are called Punjabis and they speak a language called Punjabi.
Punjabi is an ancient language, but like Punjabi, started its literary career pretty late. The script is Gurmukhi based on Devanagri. This Eastern Punjab dialect developed into a literary language around the beginning of the 17th century whereas Hindki still remains a group of dialects.
During medieval times, Punjab repeatedly bore the brunt of Afghan invaders and internal battles, and these warring times were not exactly feasible for any sort of literary or cultural expansion.
Punjabi literature as such came into existence only from the end of the 16th century when Punjabi was already in its Middle Period. In Indian Punjab, Gurmukhi script, created from the Nagari script, is the official script for Punjabi and in Pakistani Punjab, Shahmukhi is the official script.
Punjabi was evolving and Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion, gave a new lease of life to the language although it was still not in its pure form. Guru Govind Singh , the tenth and last Guru, wrote a number of religious works mainly in Old Hindi with the exception of Chandi di Var which is in Punjabi. More Indian Cultural Links. Famous Paintings Find out the history of Indian painting Know more. Ekzistas du malsimilaj ortografioj por skribi la lingvon. Haren hiztunak musulmanak, sikhak eta hinduak badira ere, XX.
Bahasa ini adalah bahasa asli Suku Punjab, suatu kelompok etnolinguistik di wilayah Punjab yang meliputi barat laut India and timur Pakistan. Kata Punjab berasal dari kata Panj dan aab yang berarti "lima sungai", karena daerah ini dilintasi oleh 5 sungai. Sungai-sungai tersebut antara lain Sungai Jhelum dan Sungai Indus.
Daerah ini terkenal dengan kesuburannya sehingga kawasan ini sangatlah padat penduduk. Bahasa Punjab merupakan bahasa yang paling banyak dituturkan di Pakistan, bahasa kedua yang banyak dituturkan di India, serta bahasa ketiga yang banyak dituturkan di Asia Selatan. Bahasa ini adalah bahasa ketiga yang banyak dituturkan di Britania Raya setelah bahasa-bahasa asli Britania dan Polandia. Selain itu, bahasa ini juga merupakan bahasa kedua puluh enam dan kesepuluh yang juga banyak dituturkan secara berturut-turut di Amerika Serikat dan Australia.
Bahasa ini menjadi bahasa suci bagi umat Sikh, karena menjadi identitas yang membedakan mereka dengan Hindu maupun Muslim. Guru Nanak pada abad ke menciptakan sistem penulisan khusus bagi kaum Sikh yang disebut , yang berarti "petuah guru", dan kitab suci kaum Sikh yakni Granth Sahib ditulis dalam huruf Gurmukhi.
Huruf ini sebenarnya merupakan varian dari huruf Dewanagari yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi setempat. Etymology "Prakrit" is derived from the Sanskrit term "Prakrta," which implies original, natural, or primary, in contrast with "Samskrta," which means refined or secondary.
A few language experts believe Prakrits are older than Sanskrit due to their originality factor — however, since Sanskrit, especially Vedic Sanskrit, is closer to Proto-Indo-European than are the Prakrits, it places Sanskrit to an earlier stage of linguistic history. The Punjabi language is a descendent of the Shauraseni Prakrit, a language of medieval northern India that was used primarily in drama and plays during the 3rd to 10th centuries.
It is believed Punjabi developed as an evolution from the Shauraseni-Prakrit-Apabhramsha languages around the 11th century, with some influence from the pre-Indo-Aryan languages on its phonology and morphology. Punjabi's uniqueness lies in the use of tones by which words are differentiated that are otherwise the same.
The language uses three contour tones; these tones change over the course of a word. Tones in Punjabi are realized over two successive syllables and are expressed phonetically as high rising-falling, mid rising-falling and very low rising.
In Pakistan, the regional Sindhi language influences the main Punjabi language resulting in dialects such as Majhi, Pothohari, Hindko and Multani. To write Punjabi, one can use three alphabets — namely, Gurmukhi, Shahmukhi and Devanagri to a lesser extent. The name Gurmukhi means "from the mouth of the Guru," Shahmukhi translates to "from King's mouth" and Devanagri implies "The container of divine light. This Semitic alphabet adapted Egyptian hieroglyphs to write consonantal values based on the first sound of the Semitic name for the object depicted by the hieroglyph.
All subsequent alphabets around the world have been either derived from this first Semitic alphabet, or have descended from one of its offshoots. The Semitic alphabet was used sparingly for about half a millennium and retained its pictorial nature, until adopted for governmental use in Canaan.
The first Canaanite states to make extensive use of the Semitic alphabet were the Phoenician city-states and so later stages of the Canaanite alphabet adopted the name of "Phoenician alphabet.
Two variants of the Phoenician alphabet had major impacts on the history of writing: the Aramaic alphabet and the Greek alphabet.