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Reilly's Rangers. View source. History Talk If you need something done in there, you seek us out. Factions in Fallout 3. Categories Reilly's Rangers. RDF feed. To get to this quest requires some patience. You'll have to make some use of the metro system in downtown D. This will be much easier to find if you've already made it to GNR plaza, as you can use some of the waypoints there to find it.
The goal is to get to Vernon Square. If you have the Dupont Circle waypoint you can go through the metro there. Otherwise, head from Megaton and cross the river to the east, then head south until you find Farragut West Metro Station.
Look for the area called Metro Junction. In the far east of this area is a door that leads to Vernon Square. Be sure you take the southern of the two exits to Vernon Square. From there, the statesman hotel and our lady of hope hospital are to the south. You should get the Ranger Emergency Frequency on your radio at some point upon entering this area. If you listen to it, you'll be led to Reilly in Underworld, but that's unnecessary.
This is a good beacon to let you know you're in the right place, though. Look to the south for the Our Lady of Hope hospital. You'll notice if you listen to the radio broadcast that they are trapped on top of the Statesman Hotel. That area is inaccessible from the ground. Instead, you'll have to go through the Hospital. You can clear the ground floor if you like. Head forward and pick the door open on your right, which will lead you to a storeroom full of goods.
As usual, you'll want to grab everything you can. The nine Frag Grenades you'll gain in here is by far the biggest thing you'll get, but you'll want to search for other valuables as well. Back in the corridor, head forward until you see a large, wide open room on your left the other bedrooms here hold very little in terms of goods, so don't bother exploring them. You'll encounter some Super Mutant thugs here, and the elevator on your right is broken for the time being, so kill whomever you encounter and bust on through to the other side.
Follow this corridor down to another staircase leading up. You'll ultimately reach the hotel's restaurant area, but be sure to pick open the storage room nearby for more curative items. You should have, by this point, found about fifty Stimpaks here.
The idea from here is to get to the lounge area of the hotel. However, there are two ways to breach the lounge, and you should explore both ways in order to maximize your Super Mutant kills for experience and the goods on them, as well as to find what appears to be the never-ending supply of medical kits strewn around both the hospital and now the hotel.
The one way you can breach the lounge which will probably give you a bit of an advantage on the Super Mutants populating it is to find a way around the main entrance which is the way you're "supposed" to go in , thus finding a debris field that will lead down into it from the back.
If you want to take the front door through, that's cool too. The Super Mutants and their Centaur cohorts you find are of the more powerful varieties, but you should still have little difficulty executing them. And what's more, the Vodka and Whiskey lying all around is good to grab -- you can sell it later. And don't neglect the plentiful armory behind the bar in the lounge. It's easy to miss, but ammunition galore, and even more Frag Mines can be found there.
We're close to the stray Rangers now. The catwalk surrounding the bar is the key, for it has a doorway that leads to a staircase which leads to the roof. This is where the missing, holed-up Rangers can be found.
You've no doubt seen plenty of already-slain Super Mutants in the hotel. This was the dirty work of the Rangers. The roof holds a slaughter many times more impressive than that. And since this is an utmost survival mission, all of their bodies have been picked clean. Find the hiding spot of the Rangers and speak to them. They'll cut right to the chase -- they need a Fission Battery located back in the lounge.
Before going back to grab it, be sure to speak to each of the three Rangers and give them ammunition. You'll be thankful you did this later. Backtrack to the door leading off of the roof, and climb the stairs back to the catwalk surrounding the bar.
Jump down and look for a bombed-out utility closet near the bar. Within is a broken Protectron, just like one of the Rangers promised you would be there. Examine the body and grab the Fission Battery off of it, and then go back up to the roof and give it to the Rangers' tech to fix the broken elevator nearby.
This will allow the party to get back into the building, where they can make their grand escape. If you thought this escape was going to be easy, though, then you're sadly mistaken. The last vestages of the Super Mutant group in the hotel will be there to greet you. This is why you'll be glad you gave ammunition to each of the surviving Rangers before going through the door.
If you don't, chances are they won't be able to defend themselves. This will negate the awesomeness of what Reilly will give you if they all survive though, alternately, you could kill them outright, right when you meet them. After busting through and getting to the entrance, the Rangers will leave you. Now, all you have to do is go back to their base to meet up with the survivors.
That's the beauty of going to their base to raid it before going to rescue the Rangers -- you can automatically teleport back to the location to end the lengthy mission. If you opted not to, however, you're going to have to find it on your own consult the beginning of this side quest walkthrough for more information on that, if needed. Once back, find Reilly and speak with her.
So long as her crew survived, she'll be thankful you helped her out and give you a choice of items we grabbed that dope Minigun, but take the armor if it suits you better. Nice job! Fallout 3 Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 19 May pm.
Part 1 Reilly's Rangers is a fairly lengthy side quest that can be learned about and thus undertaken in a number of ways. Part 2. Part 3 Now, to explore. Part 4 Head forward and pick the door open on your right, which will lead you to a storeroom full of goods. Was this guide helpful?