When you reach the circular grate, just past the first Star Coin, climb up into the left ceiling to find a door inside a hidden area. After going through, you can grab the coin via the gate that rises out of the lava after a few seconds. The first Star Coin is located just past the first cave section, above the spike-ball tossing goon.
It's easiest to reach with a propeller hat. If you don't have one, you can also try bouncing off a Bullet Bill or freezing one in mid-air and using it as a platform. Barring that, our preferred method is to triple-jump from the platforms to the right onto his, then bounce off the enemy's head to the coin above. You'll find the third Star Coin just after exiting the last cave, before the flag pole.
You need a Propeller Hat to reach it. Just after the large Piranha Plant you'll spot part of a Star Coin in a concealed area, blocked by a brick. Grab the Spiny just past it by jumping on him and toss him into the brick to clear it out of the way, enabling you to access the coin. The second Star Coin is located just above this green pipe. You can reach it by luring one of the bats just beyond back to the pipe, and bouncing off of him to the coin to ensure the bat flies high enough, jump as you catch his attention.
Oh, and you may want to clear out the Piranha Plants first too. When you reach the two adjacent rolling-ground section, wait at the second one until a tunnel is exposed, revealing a pipe you can enter. Inside, hit the P-Switch then work your way up to the Star Coin. To reach this first Star Coin, kill the Piranha Plant using the Buzzy Beetle just beyond it and then leap from the platform it was on when it's fully raised and wall-jump against the wall to reach the coin.
Pretty much the same deal here: Kill the Piranha Plant using a nearby Beetle and then ride its platform to the coin. When you reach this Piranha Plant infested hallway, you'll find two shafts above that can be wall-jumped up. The one on the left leads to a secret area containing a Fire Flower, which is worth grabbing to clear out the Piranha Plants. The one on the right, which can be leapt up by destroying the first block or two, leads to a secret area containing the second Star Coin.
The line of coins above this Koopa Troopa leads right up to a Star Coin--you can reach it by leaping off of Yoshi from the left platform, or propellering into it. Use either the propeller hat or Yoshi's flutter jump to reach this hidden pipe, inside the first gap immediately past the checkpoint.
After warping, either Yoshi-jump or propeller up to the POW block, which can be used to drop the second Star Coin to ground level. When you reach the first counter-balance platform inside the final cave, raise the right side as far as it'll go by standing on the left half for a few moments then either leap from Yoshi or use the Propeller Suit from the right side to reach a secret tunnel above, which conceals the Star Coin.
The first Star Coin can't be missed! Just make sure to kill that pesky fish first with fireballs! The third Star Coin can be found within the alternate route, mentioned below. Basically, there's a hidden block among these four--hit it to cause a bean stalk to appear. After climbing it, use the propeller-block to find the second Star Coin high up in the sky, just after the second winged-block. Alternate Route There's a hidden route inside this level that will take you to the world's final castle.
To find it, look for a hidden block among this group of four that spawns a bean stalk--climb it and continue onward to an alternate flag pole, opening the route! Look for the first Star Coin just left of this green pipe--you can either leap to it, or use the POW block you found just before to drop it onto the raft. After the checkpoint, you'll find a spring the second in the level --drop it onto the raft and use it to bounce up to a second Star Coin, just ahead.
Grab this propeller-block and get ready to use it just ahead to reach a high ledge containing the final Star Coin. Alternate Route after checkpoint This level contains a secret route that will enable you to reach the cannon on the world map, which can blast you to world 8.
Here's how you find it: Just before the second fire brother, you'll spot a red pipe suspended from the ceiling. Warp through it and continue onward to find an alternate flag pole. As you climb the shaft, you'll notice two recessed sections in the left wall. Explore the second one by dropping into it from the nearby platform to find the Star Coin.
Look for this Star Coin right by the checkpoint. Wait for the spiked-shafts to recede, then wall-jump off either wall to reach it. When you reach the section with multiple moving platforms just before the boss door , stick to the right side to reach the third Star Coin. The first Star Coin is located on top of this high brick walkway.
To reach it, leap from the final rocking platform of the first group to the swinging boxes beyond, then to the walkway.
If you already dropped to the ground, you can jump to the right-most block when it's at its lowest point. Shortly after the first Star Coin, you'll find the second above this rocking platform. Simply climb up the two left item boxes to reach it. Leap from the right edge of the final rocking platform, just before the boss door, when it's at its highest point for this Star Coin. Shortly after the first Star Coin, you'll find this pipe covered by crates--butt stomp through them to warp through.
Now carefully cross over the rotating platforms to find the second Star Coin. To reach this first Star Coin, run up the purple block when the right side is tilted at its highest point, then wall-jump off the pipe to the coin.
Head down the first yellow pipe after the checkpoint then cross over the platforms to find the second Star Coin just past the exit pipe. You'll notice a green platform that rises and falls in two alternating spots beneath the coin--jump to it when it's on the left, then leap for the coin as it recedes and try to land on it as it rises up on the right. The final Star Coin is located just before the level's exit pipe.
To reach it, ride the purple platform below it and leap from it just before it reaches its apex to nab the coin, then try and land on the yellow block below. To access this barricaded coin just before the checkpoint, you'll have to release the nearby Chain Chomp while he's facing right, causing him to burrow through the blockade.
Simply butt-pounding pole he's chained to three times--just make sure he's facing to the right before you give it the final pound.
Take this green pipe which may be somewhat obscured by clouds --inside you'll find the Star Coin above a water bubble. The third coin can be found between two Chain Chomps, just after the pipe which leads to the second Star Coin if you already took the warp pipe, head left from the exit.
It's easiest to drop onto the coin from the water bubble just above. When you reach the section with tracks going all over the place, climb up to the top-left corner to find a hidden block that spawns a bean stalk. Climb it to a secret area.
Once there, avoid grabbing the coins before hitting the P-Switch, then quickly clamber up the newly formed platforms to the second Star Coin. After heading through the expansive multi-track section where the bean stalk mentioned above was , you'll find the final Star Coin while riding the platform just beyond shortly before a large Fuzzy.
You'll find this Star Coin a short ways after the checkpoint. To grab it, leap from the middle platform while it's heading right and try to land on the platform below. Skip past the seemingly final red pipe by the sign pointing up to it to find another pipe high above.
To reach it, you'll have to bounce off a Bullet Bill remember to hold "up" as soon as you bounce off it to ensure you enter the pipe. After warping, head left to find the coin atop a pile of Bullet Bill launchers--just be careful of the bullets themselves! After grabbing it, you can reach the pipe on the right similar to the one before.
The first coin can be found super-early on--just keep it mind that it may be obscured by the second cloud-maker! You'll eye the second Star Coin just beyond the checkpoint. To grab it, hit the blocks just beyond to reveal a P-Switch, which will turn the coins beneath it into bricks, creating a platform you can step on to reach it. You'll find a trio of cloud-makers just before the checkpoint--the lowest one conceals a secret tunnel, which leads to the third Star Coin.
The first Star Coin can be grabbed either by repeatedly jumping on the back of the second small para-beetle just beyond it as soon as it appears on screen , or by riding the first large one past it all the way down to it.
Alternatively, this is pretty easy to grab if you have the Propeller Suit. You'll find the second Star Coin in the clouds near a platform, just above a long row of small Para-Beetles the timer will be at about by this point. Hop onto one as it intersects the line of coins leading up to the Star Coin. The final Star Coin is hidden behind some clouds at the bottom of the screen--you'll know it's coming up when you see the 'staircase' of large beetles.
You'll have to ride one of them down onto it, but the tricky bit is getting away safely! This is easy to do if you have either the Propeller Hat or Yoshi. Barring those, if you're playing multiplayer, simply have whoever grabbed it 'bubble up' afterward to float to safety. Secret If you can manage to jump on eight Para-beetles in a row--without touching the ground--you'll earn yourself a 1-Up! Well would you look at that, the coin's right below the start!
To get to it, lure the boxing-baddie on the right down the stairs and into the wall, which he'll pummel through, allowing you to grab the coin. After dropping to the bottom of the long shaft, take the door in the upper-right corner.
The large Boo in the next room conceals a coin--lure him aside, then clamber up to the rope and drop from it onto the coin. Finding the final Star Coin is a multi-step process. First, access the Ghost Houses's hidden route by climbing up the first room, just past the first fake door.
You should see a strange wall on the left with a crack in it just below one of the boxing enemies. Lure the boxing enemy to that wall, which he'll punch his way through, creating an entranceway for you--continue through the door inside. Climb up the subsequent room to the door in the top-left corner to wind up back outside.
But wait! Don't head to the flag pole yet, instead head through the ground-floor door, where you'll find the final Star Coin.
It can be reached by triggering the nearby P-Switch. Alternate Route after checkpoint This level contains a secret route that will take you right to , skipping Here's how to find it: Inside the first room, climb up just past the first fake door. Now proceed through the rest of the level to find the secret flag pole. Look for the first coin at the very top of the first elevator section, just below the pipe--tilt the platform right as you approach the top to reach it.
If you can see the second Star Coin, but can't figure out how to reach it, then it's already too late. You can only access is via the first room--ride the elevator to the very top. Once there, tilt it as far left as you can then look for a hidden block. Jump on top of it, then to the ceiling and head right to find a hidden warp pipe which takes you to the second Star Coin, in the next room. This final coin is also the biggest pain to get. It's located on the far left, just before the boss's door.
However, it's blocked by some bricks that can only be destroyed with a bob-omb. The easiest way to deal with it is to simply grab a bomb after jumping on it to light the fuse and carrying it to the wall and simply hold onto it while it detonates.
Sure, it'll cost you a hit, but it guarantees you'll destroy the wall, instead of trying to kick a bomb into it, which is simply an exercise in frustration take it from us! Alternate Route after checkpoint This level contains a secret route that will enable you to not only bypass the castle's boss, but grants access to a special path on the world map leading to World , then into the world's final castle taking you right to its boss, skipping most of the level!
You'll find the entrance in the second room, where the checkpoint's located. Ride the elevator there up past the first item box, then start looking for a hidden alcove in the right wall, between one of the extending platforms and below a pair of cannons.
It will warp you to an area containing a secret flag pole. Alternate Entrance--Shortcut! If you took the secret route from the mid-castle, you'll find a beanstalk on the world map that leads right into the final castle's tower. This will start you just before the boss store, skipping almost the entire level--sweet! You'll find the first Star Coin behind some bricks above, early in the level. You'll have to be at least Super Mario in order to break through the bricks.
Once you've created an opening, you can either bounce off the Dry Bones below to reach the coin, or wall-jump off the remaining bricks. Just after the pair of hammer bros, you might spot a pipe obscured by some clouds beneath a platform. Drop to it from the lower platform on the right and warp inside. After warping, wait a moment to get your bearings--namely, the two spiked shaft in this room, then work your way over to the Star Coin in the upper-right corner, just below the walkway.
When you reach this item box, leap from it into a hidden alcove above and perform a wall-jump for the final Star Coin. Shortly after the checkpoint, you'll find a POW block. Unleash it on the brick platform just beyond to cause a second Star Coin to drop down. Continue past the green exit pipe to find a tall brick wall you can leap over via the nearby platform when the right side tilts up. Beyond it is the final Star Case encased within some blocks.
If you're Super Mario, simply bounce off the spring to destroy the bricks and grab it. If not, wait a few moments for the falling debris to create above the coin, then wall-jump off the pipe, right into it!
Alternate Route Shortly after a pair of yellow and red pipes, you'll notice two platforms blocking access to a gap below. To get in, head right to find a secret tunnel inside the first wall on the left, leading to a warp pipe. After warping, head right across the rolling floor to a pipe on the far side, which leads to the alternate flag pole, granting access to world The first Star Coin is just below the second suspended platform.
Wait for a gap in the lava flow before riding it down to it. To reach the second Star Coin, shortly after the checkpoint, follow a gap in the lava right to left.
After taking the warp pipe to the second room, the first Star Coin is actually directly above the ceiling. You'll find a gap you can use to jump onto it just ahead, past the third spike-ball dropping enemy. Head left from there to locate the coin. In the third room--the one with the lit jellyfish--you'll find a Star Coin encased within some boxes. A P-Switch just above will destroy them, allowing access to the coin. In the fourth room--the tall, dark shaft full of jellyfish--look for the final Star Coin in an alcove just below the second pipe on the left.
This second Star Coin can be tricky. To nab it, you'll have to grab and toss the only bob-omb around into it. We suggest positioning the platform in the same position as in the picture below and tossing it from there.
You can either leap from the platform as it drops to the lower track for the third Star Coin or hop off the attacking birds. When you find the spring on a moving platform, you'll find the coin in an alcove on the left, just above.
Either propeller-suit or wall-jump into it. Star Coin 1 : The first coin is visible above a large spinning star. Use your Super Acorn jump to glide to it. Jump on the large spinning star to the left of the plant, and use your Super Acorn glide jump to reach a hidden tunnel in the rock above.
Use your Super Acorn glide jump to get to a hidden room next to the Munchers, where you can hit a brick to get a Starman. Star Coin 1 : The first Star Coin is easy to find, but the Cooligans sliding around under it make it a little tougher to collect.
Stand on the bricks above them and take them out with Ice Flower blasts before heading down to collect the Star Coin. Break a few bricks to get into this area, jump on the question block above, and use it to wall jump between the pipes to reach a Star Coin.
Star Coin 3 : The final Star Coin is visible high above the level. Hold down A as you jump on a Cooligan to give yourself a boost up to the lowest platform. Watch out for the icicles!
Star Coin 2 : The second Star Coin will appear during the rising platform sequence. To get some distance, you can wall jump up the sides of the chamber after it narrows, or just make a run for it and take damage from the Dry Bones in the area. Instead of following it, head to the far left, where you can enter a hidden room and collect the final Star Coin. Jump up near the Prickly Goomba to direct the fire of the nearby Piranha Plant so the Goomba will pop out.
Once the pipe entrance is clear, you can head in. This room has three hidden coin blocks on each side. Jump off of them to get the Star Coin. Luckily, you can find him right after the checkpoint. Before you grab Yoshi, you may want to get rid of the Fire Bro on the right — it makes things easier.
They appeared again in the sequel,New Super Mario Bros. World is a level found in the gameNew Super Mario Bros. It is also the only level in World 8 to feature water.
I ll show the location of all of the star coins as well as the secret. Star Coins: World This is a above the water level with the fish constantly jumping up trying to kill Mario. Star Coin 1 - The first Star Coin is in plain site on top of a barrel. Make a quick jump down to get it and a quick jump out to avoid all the jumping fishies.
Star Coin 2. New super mario bros wii world star coins All videos about Coin. Modern and popular answers and questions about. Star Coin 3: Just before the exit Pipe at the end of the level is a platform protruding from the ground. It takes place within a lake filled with many jumping Cheep Cheeps. Petal Lake is unlocked by completing Flipblock Orchard. Completing its normal exit will unlock Blossom Tower, and completing its secret exit will unlock Sakura Souvenirs. Block each is a Donut Block bridge.
Mario must get to the other side of the bridge while avoiding jumping Cheep Cheeps. Near the end of the bridge is a Brick Block with a P Switch inside, and if Mario hits it, it spawns coins. Next, Mario will encounter a Barrel with a Star Coin above.
Star Coin 1: The first coin is visible above a large spinning star. Use your Super Acorn jump to glide to it. This locations guide for the Nintendo 3DS game will show you the locations of all big hidden coins.
All Star Coins are spread throughout the levels, 3 Star Coins per level, and give the game more replay value for those players willing to hunt them down to unlock alternate paths on the world.
Monotonous clearly eternally new super mario bros wii world. Every level in New Super Mario Bros. U has 3 Star Coins. Near the second ladder are three hidden blocks, one is a vine.
Hit both visible and invisible blocks to reveal a path and more vines to reach the coin. You must have a Propeller Suit or multiple players to reach this Star Coin. Enter the pipe directly after the checkpoint. Star Coin MarioWiki Fandom - mario. See more ideas about subway surfers, subway, surfer.
That way, you will have more time to get the Star Coin. Easily visible. After the checkpoint enter the smallest yellow pipe. Use the platform that rises and falls to get the Star Coin. Welt Nach der Fahne kannst du einen Stern einen. Where can I find the first coin in world 2. Star Coin 2: A Propeller Suit is required for this one. To the right of the midway point, below normal ground, is a green Warp Pipe. This Pipe leads to an area with several Coins, and the second Star Coin. Star Coin 2: Shortly after the first star coin, the three swinging platforms lead you to two ledges.