The story of Tangled began in , under the guidance of Glen Keane who was, at the time, in the process of developing Tarzan. He continued developing the film until , when suffered from a heart attack.
Tangled hit quite a snag trying to get to theaters. Over the past weekend, my husband and I got to enjoy a date night. As those of you with young children probably know, date nights become few and far between once the kids come along, so we were pretty excited to get to spend some time together.
The date was your standard dinner and a movie affair. We went out to our favorite restaurant then headed to the theater to check out Oz the Great and Powerful. The ticket price was a bit alarming. Check out the film budgets of the 10 most expensive films.
A graduate of The University of New Mexico's English, Psychology, and Media Arts programs, he's written everything from scientific research papers about brain stimulation down to whatever's circulating the media rounds. Deep down, he knows 's 'Cats' is a brilliant movie. You can follow him on all social media hpvalverde.
By Hector Valverde Published Nov 26, Share Share Tweet Email 0. How long did tangled take to make? Why Tangled is the best Disney movie? Is Tangled hand drawn? Who sings on tangled? Zachary Levi's. How much does it cost to animate a movie? Is there a John Carter sequel? How much did it cost to make Avatar? What is the most expensive movie ever made ? Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. What are the top 10 most expensive movies?
What was the budget for Tangled?