And spare a thought for that poor guy whose job it is to come up with the names! You probably use a hex color picker to generate your codes. A computer screen displays a color by combining red light, green light and blue light. Zero red, zero green and zero blue produces black.
In fact, equal levels of red, green and blue, whatever that level may be, will always produce a shade of gray. The six digits of a hex code are in fact three two-digit numbers, each representing the level of red, green and blue. Some examples of where hex is used include:. The symbol indicates that the number has been written in hex format. This system uses two hex digits for each colour, eg FF As one hex digit represents 4 bits , two hex digits together make 8 bits 1 byte.
The values for each colour run between 00 and FF. This question appears to be off-topic because it is about speculation, not practical programming problems.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Navid Navid 6 6 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges. Here's what your maroon-ish color looks like in various different systems: Binary: 8 bits each for red, green, and blue.
That's nice, but who wants to type all those numbers? Decimal: Fewer numbers to type, but how do you manipulate R, G, and B individually? Base, redux: ,28,98 Much nicer. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge.
Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Use: Printing Use in offset and digital printing. Ideal for full-color brochures, flyers, posters and post cards, etc. CMYK color also called four-color process is actually a method whereby a combination of tiny transparent dots of four ink colors: cyan, magenta, yellow and black are printed.
Different combinations of large and small CMYK transparent dots overlap each other to create a wide spectrum of colors.
If you magnify our three cmyk colors, you can see how the dots form the overall color. The most commonly used color profile in the world of computers, TV screens and mobile devices is RGB. RGB is the process by which colors are rendered onscreen by using combinations of red, green and blue. When you mix fully saturated versions of all three colors red, green and blue together, you get pure white. When you remove all three colors completely, you get black. RGB is specific to digital applications only.