Archeology where to find night elf

Northrend is also considered a single archaeology region. In addition to being the only place for Nerubian and Vyrkul dig sites, it also contains a few Night Elf and Troll sites. You need archaeology skill to find Northrend sites. Dwarves only have a single piece of epic gear, although they offer several lower-quality cosmetic items.

The Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan is one of the harder artifacts to find. It provides the following stats:. For all intents and purposes, doing archaeology in Eastern Kingdoms is the only practical way to find this artifact. Like Dwarves, Trolls also only have a single piece of epic gear. Unlike Dwarves however, Trolls do not have any cosmetic artifacts to act as a buffer.

It is a two-handed DPS sword with the following stats:. While one could theoretically farm this item in Kalimdor or Northrend, the fastest way to find it by focusing on Eastern Kingdoms. Vyrkul artifacts are kind of a mix between Night Elf and Troll: which is to say, they annoyingly only have a single rare artifact like Trolls, and they annoyingly have a low-level artifact like Night Elves.

Having said that, I present to you…. Nifflevar Bearded Axe. Like the Night Elf chest piece, this item is for lower levels and does not scale to player level. Unlike the chest piece however, it does have some practical use. It can be equipped at level 71, and should last you until you find a Cataclysm-level replacement. Since traditional bind to account weapons offer no passive experience bonus to begin with, you do not miss out by using this axe instead:.

Night Elves get two pieces of epic gear. On a 1 minute cooldown, you can activate the doll to use the stored mana. Chest of Tiny Glass Animals. Cloak Clasp with Antlers. Coin from Eldre'Thalas. Cracked Crystal Vial.

Delicate Music Box. Tragedy in Three Acts. Green Dragon Ring. Hairpin of Silver and Malachite. Highborne Pyxis. Inlaid Ivory Comb. Check out our handy guide! Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Please review our Screenshot Guidelines before submitting!

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