Bullet travels how fast

Since you and the ball are already moving at the same speed as the train, the only forces acting on the ball are your hand and gravity. So the ball behaves exactly as it would if you were standing on the ground and not moving. So what does this mean for our gun? If the gun shoots bullets at 1, mph, then the bullet will always move away from the gun at 1, mph. If you go to the front of a train that is moving at 1, mph and shoot the gun forward, the bullet will move away from you and the train at 1, mph, just as it would if the train were stopped.

But, relative to the ground, the bullet will travel at 2, mph, the speed of the bullet plus the speed of the train. So if the bullet hits something on the ground, it will hit it going 2, mph.

If you shoot the bullet off the back of the train, the bullet will still be moving away from you and the gun at 1, mph, but now the speed of the train will subtract from the speed of the bullet. Relative to the ground, the bullet will not be moving at all, and it will drop straight to the ground. What's true for bullets, however, is not true of some other things that you might "shoot" from the front of the train.

A great example is sound waves. Hollow point bullets are more dangerous not because it's easier for them to puncture your skin, but because they create more damage once they do.

Bullets of different sizes and calibers can puncture skin more easily: buckshot will perforate skin at miles per hour and bullets from a.

Bullets from a 9mm handgun may max out at speeds as low as miles per hour. And a. Various thicknesses of skin are found on varying locations on the human body, and often correlate Your armpits have particularly thin skin. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons users Madhero88 and M. In addition, skin thickness varies from person-to-person and at different places on your body.

Babies and young children have very thin skin relative to adults, and while the elderly have thicker skin in general, it has less elasticity and is easier to tear and puncture. The only way to guarantee a bullet will bounce off of your skin?

Be Superman. Image credit: Leo According to Hatcher's Notebook , where U. Army Major General Julian Hatcher reported on a huge suite of military ballistics tests, a. When you fire a bullet into the air, it typically takes between 20 and 90 seconds for it to come down, depending on the angle it was fired at, its muzzle velocity and its caliber.

New years and July 4th, in the USA, are particularly dangerous in urban areas for this, as injuries from falling bullets and even occasionally deaths result. While reports from hospitals are often disputed by police, there are well-documented cases that prove how lethal this can be.

As long as a bullet can puncture your skin, the damage it can do to you internally has the potential Public domain image. If you must fire a gun into the air, the way to minimize your potential risk to yourself and others is to:. It just shows how much damage a bullet can do! Nathaniel Reinhold Dec 12, Dec 17, That sure is a lot of information.

Thanks for sharing, Nathaniel! May 23, Peter Feb 19, First of all you're not right, a bullet in this case a 9mm has three parts.

One is the casing of the round that will hold the gun powder and the bullet it self. Not related to the topic take a Glock, when a bullet is fired all that gas from the bullet and pushes it back and cycles the next round into the chamber. Spencer Feb 5, Feb 20, Thanks for sharing, Peter.

Sounds like this Wonder aligns with your explanation. Peter Feb 21, Feb 24, B Feb 28, How far does a bullet go in a second?

Once i got to shoot a paintball gun at cans. Richard Jan 25, Jan 25, Hi, Richard. Thanks for adding more information and joining the conversation! Mar 6, Sammy Jan 10, Jan 11, We don't think so, Sammy--that would be awfully dangerous!

Aidan Hamburg Jan 11, There is the primer, powder, casing, and bullet. The bullet is just the lead part at the front not all are lead. When you described it you said it as though the whole thing was called the bullet.

Other than that, you did fine! Jan 22, Sounds like you know this topic well, Aidan! Thanks for sharing! Cristian Dec 12, Dec 15, We're glad you liked this Wonder, Cristian!! Jason Jul 9, In Roy Weatherby achieved 5, fps with his. As newer propellants emerged, others have obtained even higher velocities with the same round, up to 6, fps. Jul 10, Mat Jun 3, Just like to point out, some speciality, though still mainstream cartridges can move in excess of feet per second, the fps you quote here is kind of the average modern rifle speed.

For examples of these extremely quick bullets, check out rounds like the. Jun 5, Tyler Mar 10, Mar 13, Agreed, Tyler. Thanks for checking out this Wonder! Feb 27, Is valuable, we agree. Thanks for displaying some, James! Does getting hit by a bullet hurt? Mar 1, Jan 24, Karter Dec 5, I've always wondered how fast a bullet travels. Dec 6, You're welcome, Karter! Sixgun30 Oct 27, Oct 28, Oct 25, Hello, edvjwhebdkjwbj!

We're glad you stopped by Wonderopolis. Sep 15, We're glad you enjoyed this Wonder, mike! Ethan Jun 2, Jun 4, May 27, Thanks for sharing that cool fact, marius! We're glad you joined the discussion! Apr 15, I like that you told us in the video that a bullet can catch fire and that can make a bullet extra strong and kill someone very easily.

Mar 21, We're glad you learned something new, Aidan! May 19, Bam Mar 5, Mar 7, Hi, Bam! Nikau Mar 3, Mar 4, We're really glad to hear you learned a lot, Nikau! Strawberry Feb 17, Feb 19, Hi, Strawberry! Thanks for visiting Wonderopolis!

Welcome, sherlyn! We encourage you to read it, sherlyn! Ruby Feb 17, Hi, Ruby! We're glad you stopped by! Daniel Jan 26, I find it really fascinating that bullets are designed like fireworks and they travel 2, feet per second. That is so awesome. Keep up the wonders Wonderopolis. Jan 26, In the video are they using normal rounds or plastic? Rahil Jan 10, The part I found the most interesting was that bullets can travel 2, feet per second and 1, miles per hour because I thought bullets were a little bit slower than this.

Emanuel Jan 11, Jan 12, Thanks for joining the discussion, Emanuel! We hope you liked this Wonder, too! Emanuel Jan 7, What you guys are talking bout bullets that's awesome. Jan 8, Hi, Emanuel! We're glad you had fun exploring this Wonder! Dec 11, Hi, will! I have a queston Nikau Mar 13, Mar 15, Thanks for joining the conversation, Nikau!

We're glad you made a connection! Dec 2, Hi, caleb! Glad you liked this Wonder! Carson Nov 5, Nov 7, Hi, Carson! Thanks for sharing your question. We hope you had fun exploring this Wonder! Siddarth Kunisetty Nov 4, I have learned a lot from this article. I never knew that bullets traveled faster than twice the speed of sound. That is an amazing thought, since sound is what you hear, which means that you can't hear bullets.

Also, I never knew that the cause for the bullet to fly out of the gun is an explosion. It is so cool to think about an explosion taking place in something as small as a gun. Finally, I never knew that bullets had three parts. Its hard to believe that something as small as a bullet an contain so much mechanism. I hope you make many more articles like this! Nov 5, Nov 4, I did the activity and i ran 4.

Nov 3, Kenny Nov 2,


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