When vacuuming your dog, avoid using the normal attachments that come with your vacuum, those that are used for cleaning floors and carpets. Instead, you should get special attachments that are specifically designed for vacuuming dogs. Most dogs will molt for about 3 to 4 weeks, though the duration will vary depending on the kind of coat your dog has. Dogs use their coats for temperature regulation. As seasons change, dogs will shed some of the hair on their coats to help them cope with the temperature changes.
This process of shedding dead hairs is what is referred to as molting. Most dogs molt 2 times a year , while others will shed continuously. The degree of shedding exhibited by a dog will depend on the kind of coat they have. Dogs with long-haired coats usually shed more during peak season, while dogs with short-haired, smooth coats tend to shed all year round. Vacuuming your dog catches the dead hairs before they hit the floor or your furniture.
It is possible to use a vacuum to rid your dog of fleas. Some manufacturers make design vacuums that are specifically made for vacuuming fleas from dogs. No dog parent wants to find a flea infestation on their beloved doggie. However, this is something most dog owners will have to deal with at some point in life.
This is especially true if you regularly allow your pooch to venture outdoors. Even if your pooch rarely goes outside, they can still get fleas from another dog when other dog owners come visiting. If you notice fleas on your beloved fido, vacuuming your dog is one of the fastest ways of getting rid of fleas on a dog. When done properly, using the right kind of vacuum attachments will clear the infestation completely. Alternatively, you can use homemade remedies, such as washing your pooch using mild soap and some lukewarm water.
This works best with minor infestations. Many of these will fall off onto the carpet, furniture, and other areas where your dog routinely spends their time.
Even after getting rid of the fleas on your dog, their eggs will remain around , and once they hatch, this will result in another infestation. To prevent this, after getting rid of the infestation, you should thoroughly vacuum your entire house to get rid of any flea eggs that could be lying on your floors and furniture. Yes, vacuuming will kill most of the fleas that get sucked into the vacuum, according to a study done by researchers from Ohio State University.
In the study, which was sponsored by The Royal Appliance Manufacturing Company, different vacuums made by the sponsor were used to pick up fleas in their different life stages — larvae, pupae, and adult fleas. The fleas were then examined to determine whether they would remain alive after passing through the vacuum. With this protective layer damaged, the fleas die of dehydration. The frequency with which you should vacuum your dog will depend on the kind of coat and fur your dog has and how much they shed.
A post shared by Make Your Life Extraordinary wileysadventures. Dogs with coats that shed a lot will need to be vacuumed a lot more frequently than low shedding dogs.
If your dog is a heavy shedder, you can vacuum them two or three times a month. This frequency can be increased during shedding season. For low shedding dogs , vacuuming once a month is okay. Vacuuming your dog frequently will help them get used to vacuuming and see it as an enjoyable experience, rather than an anxiety-inducing experience.
This raises another question; are dogs scared of vacuums? Most dogs do not like vacuums and will take off running the minute a vacuum cleaner goes on near them.
However, for most dogs, vacuums are scary devices. It is not surprising to see a dog cowering in the corner or even leaving the room the minute you switch on a vacuum. The main reason why dogs are scared of vacuums is because of the loud noise that vacuums make.
Therefore, the loud noise the vacuum makes is even louder to your four-legged buddy, which makes it irritating. In addition, the noise produced by the vacuum is usually high-frequency sound. A wide assortment of pet-friendly vacuum cleaner attachments can be purchased from pet stores. These attachments are made for your vacuum and specifically designed to be used for grooming your dog.
You use the attachments by gently running them across your dog's coat to remove loose hairs; many grooming attachments have brushes built into them.
You can also buy a vacuum that is specifically designed for use on pets. Before you can vacuum your dog, you will need to spend some time getting him used to the sound of the vacuum cleaner as well as the way the attachment will feel when you use it to suction hair out of his coat.
A majority of others, however, are deathly afraid of all things vacuuming. Still, it should be a slow process that you ease into. Get them used to the sound of the vacuum cleaner, especially up close to them.
Make sure to praise and reward your dog during each of step of the process of slowly working the vacuum closer to them. Never vacuum your dog with the normal attachments on your vacuum. These special attachments make the experience more comfortable for your dog.