Wash covers with laundry soap and extra rinse again. Dry most of the way in the dryer and put on the cushions when slightly damp to avoid wrinkles.
Next Post Gingerbread Houses. Amanda 5 years ago Reply. AllisonWaken Post Author 5 years ago Reply. Great question! Emma 5 years ago Reply. Kathleen Ahern 5 years ago Reply. Nadine 5 years ago Reply. Jessica 5 years ago Reply. Gina Schuran-Castillo 2 months ago Reply. Allison Waken Post Author 2 months ago Reply. Dawn Salucci 5 years ago Reply. Sarah 5 years ago Reply. Alison Fogarty 5 years ago Reply. Stacy Meek 5 years ago Reply. Wondering if I can bleach a slip cover to be white?
Bonnie Harvey 9 months ago Reply. Allison Waken Post Author 9 months ago Reply. So good to know! Ashley Moore 5 years ago Reply. Melanie 5 years ago Reply. Pat 4 years ago Reply. AllisonWaken Post Author 4 years ago Reply.
Hi, Did you dye the aqua successfully? Allison Waken Post Author 3 years ago Reply. I never did end up trying! Johanna Roebas 4 years ago Reply. Morgan 4 years ago Reply. Did you use the 8oz bottles of ritt?
Yes, the regular 8oz size. Shelli Bryant 4 years ago Reply. Amy Wilson 4 years ago Reply. Allison Waken Post Author 4 years ago Reply. Ceci 3 years ago Reply. Brittany 4 months ago Reply. Allison Waken Post Author 4 months ago Reply. Definitely a good idea if you have the time! Angeleah 3 years ago Reply. Jill 3 years ago Reply.
Should I try white dye or bleach? Amber 3 years ago Reply. Good luck! Let me know if it works out for you! Marieli Souffront 3 years ago Reply. Hello, I recently purchased a sofa with 2 small chairs and the covers have a yellow tone due to being out in a sunroom.
Marissa 3 years ago Reply. Tiffany Stoner 2 years ago Reply. Allison Waken Post Author 2 years ago Reply. Share article:. Related Stories. What is Nano Coating? Chenille vs velvet: Which is the right sofa fabric for you? The ultimate guide to grandmillennial home decor As many of us head into the colder months and begin settling in for the winter, the ultimate nesting trend really begins to shine.
Rebecca says:. Naomi says:. Kara says:. Please comment with your real name using good manners. Click here to cancel reply. With this method, the temperature is kept at or near boiling for the entire process, and the fabric must be stirred constantly by hand.
This method requires about 3 gallons of water per 1 pound of fabric, and the color can be enhanced by adding salt for cotton, rayon, ramie or linen.
Add vinegar for silk, wool or nylon. For both methods, adding a teaspoon of dish detergent can help achieve a more even color. For removable fabric that won't fit on the stove or in the washing machine, Rit explains that a bathtub dyeing method may work well.
The salt, vinegar and dish detergent tricks work here too. Finally, for non-removable upholstery, experts recommend taking the item of furniture outside. If the sofa is too large to transport, thoroughly protect the surroundings while you sponge the dye onto the upholstery.
Be sure to wear gloves and clothes that you don't mind getting messy while you do this project. The team at Rit provides an example of taking furniture outside and painting the dye on with a brush, then thoroughly washing the upholstery with a garden hose until the water runs clear. Do a second cycle, this time using warm water and mild detergent. It would be even better if you added an extra rinse cycle.
How much detergent you use depends on the brand that you are using, so read the instructions on the bottle. Dry the slipcover, then put it on the chair while it is still damp. You can use a clothes dryer or hang the slipcover up to dry. This will help reduce wrinkles. Clean your washer using a hot water, high-level setting.
You can also add some old rags you don't mind staining into the drum. Add 2 cups mL of bleach to the dispenser and run another full cycle. At the end of the cycle, wipe down the inside of the drum and dispenser with an old rag. If you don't have bleach, use 2 cups mL of vinegar instead. Do not mix bleach and vinegar, or this will create a dangerous chemical reaction. Method 3. Line the bathtub with a plastic sheet. While it is not absolutely necessary to line the bathtub first, it is highly recommended as it will reduce the chances of the dye staining the tub.
Simply tuck a large, plastic sheet or tablecloth into the tub, then tape down the edges. Home improvement stores should sell plastic sheets. Duct tape works especially well here, but you can use packaging tape as well. The goal here is to line the tub and prevent the dye water from touching it.
Fill the tub with hot water, then add the dye. Read the instructions on the dye package to find out how much water you should use. Once you have the tub filled, pour the dye into the water, then give it a stir. This will help the slipcover dye more evenly. Plan on using 3 gallons 11 L for every 1 pound g of fabric. Add the slipcover and let it soak for 15 minutes, stirring often. Put on a pair of plastic gloves, then push down on the slipcover so that the fabric is completely submerged.
Use a sturdy stick or paddle to stir the dye bath. The stirring is important as it will help the fabric dye evenly. Add the fixative solution, then soak the slipcover for 45 minutes.
The fixative solution is the salt, vinegar, or soda ash solution that you prepared earlier. Pour that into the water, then give the water a stir. Let the slipcover sit in the tub for 45 minutes, stirring it every 5 to 10 minutes.
Rinse the slipcover until the water runs clear. You can do this in the tub or in a washing machine. If you choose to do it in the tub, move aside the plastic lining and drain the tub first. If you choose to do it in the washing machine, run a cycle without any detergent.
Plan on rinsing the slipcover at least 5 times in the tub or 3 times in the washer.