99 touchpad where to buy

A check of price comparison website PriceGrabber. Best Buy online said both versions of the tablets are sold out, although it's still worth checking your local stores to see if they're in stock.

I checked with mine and — bupkus , zero, nada, no luck. I also checked with my local Staples, another TouchPad seller; they too were cleaned out. If you bought a TouchPad previously from a Best Buy store, the company says you can return it, following these guidelines. Best Buy, which is limiting sales of the TouchPad to one per customer, also says this about returns or exchanges of the discounted tablets:.

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Here are the latest Insider stories. More Insider Sign Out. Sign In Register. Sign Out Sign In Register. Latest Insider. Check out the latest Insider stories here. More from the IDG Network. But I had my reasons. Twitter and forums sites quickly relayed the troubles of many buyers shortly after 7. Ebay was crashing. PayPal was lagging.


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