Since these files keep everything from the original recording, they are much larger than other file types. You can learn more about file types here. If you plan to play the audio from your computer, you should use a format like WAV that retains the original sound. However, some cases require other file types that offer the highest quality for those instances. Of course, you can use a WAV file. MP3 is a widespread audio file, and you can find it on many smartphones. After all, MP3 players used to be quite common before cell phones could play music.
If you want to listen to music on the go, MP3 files are a good choice. Since MP3 files are compressed, they can lose some of the audio quality. A good compromise for quality and portability is an AAC file. While they also lose a bit of quality, the sound is better than an MP3. However, each file has a purpose and can be a good choice for listening to music.
If possible, use WAV files to get the fullest listening experience. You can also use an AIFF file for another lossless option. However, not every listener has access to those file types. If you want to distribute your music digitally, consider other options.
At the same bit rate, we found that the MP3 file format resulted in less deleted signal especially when exported with a joint-stereo setting. When it comes to releasing and sharing music, lossy file formats play a big role. Your main concern when choosing a lossy file type is how easy it is to share with other producers or your fans — or you may be concerned about creating the best sounding file with the lowest digital footprint.
AAC files were meant to replace the MP3, which may mean that fewer systems have had a chance to integrate it into their playback. But, if you want to ensure that they can play the track, an MP3 is your best option.
AAC lossy files are said to be able to provide more of the original information of a recording than an MP3 of the identical bit-rate and file size. Because of this, AAC files retain more bits, in turn, reducing distortion or unwanted artifacts. We can test these files by doing a null test. By aligning the PCM and lossy files, inverting the phase of 1, and then playing both at the same time, we should create phase cancellation.
If you want to learn more about file types, and which one is better, check out our blog post and video on the topic:. This means that a fair amount of the original signal has been deleted to create the AAC file. Additionally, if we use a true-peak meter, we can see that the signal now peaks at 0. Information in this article applies broadly to all devices capable of playing digital music files.
Sound quality will vary depending on the device speakers. Likewise, the MP3 format also works on any operating system. You should have no problem playing either file type on any device. To examine the differences between the formats, let's compare the song Wild Sage by The Mountain Goats encoded in each format at three different speeds: Kbps, Kbps, and Kbps. The higher the Kbps, the bigger the file, but the better the quality.
The MP3 version is 1. These versions sound a bit muddied compared to the Kbps versions. The MP3 is almost 1MB smaller. The AAC file is a bit clearer and brighter than the MP3, which suffers from slight muddiness and slurring some sounds together.
The file sizes are almost exactly the same. While there are differences in the sound waves of the files, they sound roughly equivalent to the ear. Though there may be a bit more detail in the Kbps MP3, it's difficult for an untrained ear to discern.
The only place you're likely to hear a difference is in the low-end Kbps encodings, which aren't recommended. Most audiophiles who place great value on the best possible sound quality tend to avoid MP3, AAC, and other digital audio formats because these formats use compression to create smaller files.
The trade-off is that the highest and lowest ends of the sound range are lost. Most average listeners don't notice the loss, but it can be a deal-breaker for audio aficionados. Actively scan device characteristics for identification.